Thursday, May 24, 2007

Parent's Day

Last Saturday, we had a Parent's Day. All the parents of the children who attend the after-school program were invited to come. We played games, ate food, made crafts, had a time of Bible study, and received input from the parents on what they have enjoyed about the program and things they feel could change. It was wonderful getting to meet some of the parents. Many of them expressed their gratitude for the program and how it has helped them and their children. Several of the parents explained how their children's behaviors have changed at home since their participation in the program. God is working whether we realize it or not. I know this time was encouraging for Justin and I because we saw how much potential this outreach has and are excited to see what God will continue to do with it.
This coming Saturday, the 26th, is suppose to be our last day for the program until September, when school resumes. However, after speaking with Ulf and the teachers, we have decided to continue the program through June and part of July. Summer here in Ecuador is like anywhere else, children get out for the summer but the majority of the parents still have to work. Therefore, we would rather provide a safe place for the children to be rather than have them home alone or roaming the streets. Please pray for the planning of this time. Some of the teachers are a little nervous because we are throwing this in at the last minute. If any of you have any suggestions for additional activities for the summer program please contact us with your ideas. We want to make this time beneficial and fun for the children.
Our family is doing wonderful. Kaidan is learning how to greet people in Spanish and has begun to give a selected few a kiss on the cheek when she sees them. (Ecuadorians greet each other with a kiss on the cheek.) We are proud of her and feel she is beginning to enjoy her time here. Justin continues to press on with his Spanish classes. He is now having to walk 40 minutes each morning and each afternoon to catch a bus. We were borrowing a van that belongs to my parents. However, it is having trouble. We had to leave it in Quito with them and are without a car. It will be an interesting challenge. Besides that we are doing well. Thank you for your prayers and words of encouragement. I am still trying to figure out this blog thing. I need to learn how to respond to the comments you send. Any help would be appreciated!:) Oh, we also have a US phone number that you can call and it will ring here on our computer. Therefore you will only have to pay whatever your phone rate is to call within the US. We thought this might be easier for those of you who want to contact us but can't afford to pay international rates. It was very cheap for us to set up and we only had to pay a small one time fee. So, please feel free to use it. I'm not sure how secure this blog thing is, so if you would like the number just let us know and we can get it to you. Thank you again for your love, thoughts, and prayers. God Bless.


Priscilla said...

Way to jump right in there with the parents...sounds cool. I am so glad you are connecting with people already! We had our Mission Trip meeting today...felt good and I think it will be a great trip this year!

As for replying to comments on your blog, just click on "comment" at the bottom of the post, then write your comment in the "leave your comment" place and enter your "user name" and "password" and it should work.

Reegers in Ecuador said...

ok, we'll try it.

Reegers in Ecuador said... worked..that was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Thanks chick!! So, I'm glad the meeting went well. We were praying and thinking about you all yesterday. I know it will be crazy getting everything together in two months....please let us know if we can do anything on this end. We are excited to see you guys....I'm assuming you are coming with Liam?! Ok, love ya. Thanks again for your help!:)

Jebodiah Bristow-Hanna said...

I'm still waiting on this mysterious number. :)