Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Field Trip

Last Saturday we went with the children from the after-school program on their end-of-the-year trip. There was a total of 55 children on the bus and 9 adults. We sat three to a seat, which wasn't bad considering many of the children are tiny, but it still made for an eventful bus ride. The trip took about two hours to get to some natural hot springs up in the mountains. It was beautiful and I believe the children had a wonderful time. It took some heavy persuasion to get me in the pool. Something about swimming with 50 children in a pool without chlorine made me think twice. I think Kaidan was the only child who felt the need to get out and use the bathroom the whole three hours we swam. I guess it's best not to think about such things and just have fun, which is what we ended up doing. Overall, it was a wonderful day and the children did great.
This week we are preparing for the medical campaign and another group that will be here next week. Ulf is showing us the ropes on how to plan meals and shop. It has been fun so far. Justin is still pushing on with his Spanish classes, I think he is really enjoying it. Kaidan is doing great. She went to a Birthday party the other day and they were playing a game where two teams were racing to see who could fill up a small bucket at the other end of the room first. The catch was they had to use a big spoon to carry the water from one end of the room to the other. Well, when it was Kaidan's turn she ran over to the counter, grabbed a big glass, dunked it in the water and proceeded to the other end of the room to fill her teams bucket. I was so proud! :)
That's about all for now. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. God Bless.


flee said...

Yeah!!!!! I found you guys...I came across your blog thru some other blogs and I am so excited to find you guys!!! So you are in Ecuador finally....that's awesome! I want to call you so email me your number. I can't even believe your gorgeous girl..wow...she is something! Of course, the last time I saw her she was brand new....how old is she now? Well...we have some catching up to do. Email me: thepatten5@sbcglobal.net

Did you know I had Sydney? She is two now. Asher will be 7 this month and Sienna will be 5 in August! I have a blog too with pics. I haven't posted in a while, but there are pics you can see. You guys look great and so very happy. I can't wait to hear how God got you to Ecuador. Love you Jauna and looking forward to catching up. Todd will be so excited too to hear about you guys. He'll want to come visit and help, well, so will I!!

Lord, thank you so much for leading me to the Reeger's blog. I'm so thankful to know you have brought them to the place they wanted to be. My heart is so full as I look at their faces and see that beautiful baby you've given them and how grown she is! Bless them today Father with good things. Protect and watch over them.

Love you guys...write when you can!


Joshua and Julie Marcum said...

So glad you guys have a blog now! I love reading the stories and seeing the pictures - sure helps me keep up with your lives a whole lot better. I posted a link to your blog from ours! Love you guys and know you are doing great work there.

Robby and Lynsey said...

I found your blog through Marta. I'm so glad that you guys are there and doing well! It just sounds like you guys are so busy and I can hear the excitement about all the different projects. :)

You guys are in our thoughts and prayers. Blessings to each of you as you adjust to your new home, continue to learn Spanish, and find your place there. I look forward to reading more updates.

And I don't blame you for being hesitant to get in the water with that many kids. Eww. ;) ha!

Kamille said...


Kamille said...

It sounds like everything is going great! I am so happy for you! Are you planning on coming back to visit anytime??? love ya