Thursday, May 3, 2007

First Weeks in Ecuador

Well, we finally made it to Ecuador! We are in our new home and doing our best to get settled. God has blessed us with a beautiful home and incredible surroundings. It is hard to describe the amazing view we have out our windows every morning. God is an amazing Creator and artist!
Our first days here were busy in helping with the children's after-school program and a slumber party. Ulf, decided Justin and I needed to learn to chop chickens. It was quite the experience. I can definitely say I took frozen chicken breasts for granted in the US!:) We are doing our best to learn the ropes, there is no doubt it will take some time.
Kaidan is doing well! The children that come for the after-school program love her. They all want to touch her hair and carry her around. She likes the attention most days however there are those days when the celebrity life gets to her. :) Overall she seems to be adjusting well and the language barrier doesn't seem to exist between her and the other children. They speak to her in Spanish and she says something back in English, they both laugh, and then run off to play. It has been exciting to watch her.
Our days here are spent preparing for the after-school program and then running it. We are doing our best to get to know the kids. There are about 25-50 that come for three hours every afternoon. We are planning a little get together for all the parents and kids the 19th of May. We are excited to meet many of the parents then. Please pray for that time.
Justin and Ulf have been working on putting electricity in the new clinic/meeting hall. Justin is amazed at the little support Ulf uses as a scaffold to run electricity in the high ceiling. I believe he has elected to be Ulf's go-getter on the ground rather than test the narrow boards 20 ft up. He has enjoyed learning from Ulf.
Justin has decided he needs to take some Spanish classes so we plan on getting those set up as soon as possible. He is doing wonderful with the people and is understanding more than most would with only being here a few weeks. Overall, our family is doing wonderful. We are excited about the camps that will be coming this summer and are looking for ways for them to encourage our surrounding community and shine Christ.
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. We will do our best to update this at least once a week. God Bless.
The Reegers


Kamille said...

Hey! I am so happy you guys have started a blog! Love ya! I wish I was w/ you:)

Cristina said...

Hey Jauna and Justin! So glad to get the update! Looking forward to hearing more.

Cassy said...

Hey guys! I'm glad you set up a blog and that we can keep up with you all this way. we are continuing to pray for the 3 of you.

Rebecca Hodges Turner (Becca) said...

I'm glad to hear you are doing well in Ecuador. We miss you here in Bellevue, but know that you will be such a blessing there. I love the blog idea! I've added it to my favorites. God Bless - Love, Becca Turner

Priscilla said...

Yay! This is going to be so fun seeing pictures and hearing updates on how you guys are doing! Rock on!

Marta said...

I'm so glad to see y'all have a blog! Glad to hear things have been going well so far! Will be praying that your transition continues to go smoothly! Look forward to reading more updates!

Ursula Strauss said...

My husband and I are coming to Tabacundo the first week of February with the Peace Corps. for training.
Anything we need to bring, warm clothes, etc.
Is there anything you can't live without that we could bring to you.
We are a mature couple, but excited to be going to Ecuador.