Saturday, September 8, 2007


I want to begin by apologizing to all of you who have checked our blog over the past few months and have found no new post. I am not good with this kind of thing, but I know it is important and I am going to try and do better.
Our summer was very full of lots of events and people. We had six groups come, a two day youth conference, interns from the Bible school in Quito stay for the summer, the kids program, and a wonderful visit from Justin's family. To say the least each day was filled completely. Thank you for your prayers. It was a wonderful three months of learning the ropes and getting to know all those we will be working with here at the camp.
This last week we began preparing for the new school year. We are excited to see where all God leads us. Kaidan also began school this last week. We decided it would be good to put her in a school in order to help her learn Spanish and also have time with other children. She wears a little uniform and everything. So far she has liked it a lot. She will only be going 3-4 hours a day and I have the liberty to keep her at home if I want, so that is good. I wasn't ready to commit to five days a week just yet. Justin is still advancing in Spanish and doing wonderful. He will hopefully begin classes again soon. It was hard for him to travel and study with all that took place this summer, but he should now have more time to dedicate to that. I have been pleasantly surprised with how rapidly he is learning....... I am doing great and loving it here. For those of you who we have not been able to tell. We are expecting a new addition to our family in December. We decided to wait until the end of the summer to spill the beans just because of all that was going on. But, now it is no secret. I am not able to hide it any more, I believe I am showing much more this time around...not sure why. But, we are excited and Kaidan is ecstatic. She makes sure she tells everyone she has a little brother in Mommy's tummy. I think a sibling will be good for her and she will make a great big sister.
Please know we love you all. Thank you for your prayers and your patience concerning this blog. I promise I will try and do better. God bless.


Robyn said...

Congrats on the baby!!! Sounds like life couldn't be any better.

Joshua and Julie Marcum said...

It's great to see some new pictures and just hear the news of the goings-on. We're so glad you guys have had such a great summer and are doing so well.

Kaidan looks so cute in her uniform. I've been debating the pros and cons of putting Michaela in some kind of little school too. Let me know how it goes!
Love you guys and can't wait till the next time we see you. I keep thinking Michaela and Kaidan will have so much fun next time we get together.

Holly O'Quinn said...

Congrats on the new baby Reeger! Wow! We are excited for you!

Love you guys-

Jason and Holly O'Quinn

Marta said...

So excited for y'all!!! Let me just say that it's awesome having a girl and then a boy!! Of course, I've never done it any other way... but we love it!!! Glad that you had a great summer and hope you're feeling well! Keeping you in our prayers....

Kamille said...

I am so excited for you guys!! Congrats, love ya

Robby and Lynsey said...

Congrats!!! How exciting. ;) Hope your pregnancy is going well and you and baby are both healthy.

Kaidan is such a doll. She is adorable in her uniform.

We saw Jeb and Pricilla the other day. They said you guys were doing good but they were sad not to see you this summer. ;)

Conichole said...

YEAH!!!! I am sooooo excited for you guys!!! We miss you guys a ton but we can't wait to see you in November!!! Congratulations on the little one you are expecting. We are so thankful that everything is going so good for you guys!!!

Love y'all and miss y'all,
Conor, Nichole and Adelynn

Priscilla said...

Kaidan's so cute! I love the look on her face! So you're having a boy! I think boys are lots of fun!

Dustin and Allyson Wall said...

I found your blog through Marta Dugan's. Congrats on the baby! Little Kaidan is so cute and growing up so fast!

miss tiffany renee said...

hello reeger family!! a lot has happened to both of our families since we last saw each other!! last time i saw the both of were pregnant with kaidan (sex then unknown) you have a beautiful little girl with another one on the way.

i am married now...for a little over a year. we just moved to lubbock for grad school.

congrats on the move to ecuador. i would love to chat through email sometime...mine is

renee (gause) prince