Sunday, September 30, 2007

Road Blocks

This is Max, our dog, watching the sunrise outside our kitchen window. He is out there every morning. Rough life, huh?!:)
Thank you to all of you for your support and love. We are excited about the new little one. All seems to be going well with him. We are still trying to decide on a's hard to decide something like that...I mean this kid will have to be stuck with it the rest of his life....suggestions are welcome!:)
So, all has been going well here. We had a couple of exciting days with road blocks. The people here burn tires and put huge trees in the road when they protest. This time they were protesting against a government decision to not give them aid with a water canal. To say the least it made life interesting for three days. They put blocks up about every half mile on the Pan American highway and stood beside their baracades with rocks to make sure cars did not try to pass. We had to walk about four miles to get from the last bus drop off to our house. We really enjoyed talking to the protesters at every blockade. Half of them did not even know what they were truly protesting. Kaidan decided we just needed an airplane to fly over the blockades and "the mean guys with rocks!:)
The kids program has been going wonderful. We had 82 children here yesterday for our Saturday program. We've been really happy with the four women who help run the program and teach. Ulf flew back to the US on Friday. So Justin and I are officially on our own. We are excited and look forward to what God has in store. Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement. We feel like we are on a whole other planet at times so hearing from you all is wonderful.
We will be in the US from October 27 through the 3rd of December, making stops in Seattle, Pueblo, Dallas and Lubbock. We will be in Seattle from the 27th through the 8th of Nov, in Pueblo from the 8th through the 15th of Nov, in Dallas from the 15th through the 19th, and in the Lubbock area for the remainder of our time. We are excited to hug many of your necks.
God Bless,
The Reegers


Marta said...

What a beautiful place you live in! Love those pictures!

I thought picking a boy name was so much harder than picking a girl name. I don't have any suggestions really- if we hadn't chosen Sutton as a name we were looking at Gavin or Samuel. That's all I've got! :)

Hope you have a great visit to the states! I'm sure everyone is really excited to see you!

Priscilla said...

We were talking with the Lockwoods about when you were coming to Bellevue! Looking forward to seeing you guys!

The first time I went to Ecuador we were walking around Tabacundo inviting the kids to a VBS and people in town were protesting. It was actually kind of funny because it was me, 3 very girly teenage girls, and a guy. The girls were very freaked because the protesters had guns and were playing drums and shouting. But Remington led us safely back to camp (we were a little lost too). All a days fun in Ecuador, eh?

Yay! So excited about you having a boy! They are so much fun!

Robby and Lynsey said...

You live in such a beautiful place! That picture is amazing.

Glad to hear the pregnancy is going well. I have no name suggestions ... except maybe Rashad. ;)

Have fun on your visit to the states. Will you have the baby there or in Ecuador? Enjoy seeing everyone!

Kamille said...

I'm glad everything is going well! I know you will have tons of people to see in Dallas, but if you have time give me a call while your here!

Joshua and Julie Marcum said...

Gorgeous! Both the pic of you guys and where you live : ) I'm printing the family picture so Michaela will have a new one in her "Who Loves Baby Book".

As far as names go, if we have a boy, we're using Stephen (since it was my maiden name) but I also like Ethan a lot! Hopefully, we'll know what we're having soon so we know if we can use our first pick of boys' names or need to look for a girl's again!

We'll be praying for you guys trip to the States.

Ashley said...

I didn't even know you had a blog! I hope to see you on your Lubbock stint and see Jauna pregnant once again!

Conichole said... is interesting to say the least isn't it. I cannot believe how beautiful it is where you guys are at...that is AMAZING!!! We love y'all and miss y'all and can't wait to see you in November!!!

Conor and Nichole and Adelynn and who knows?

Holly O'Quinn said...

The O'Quinn's are ready....