Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Kaleb in Hospital

As many of you know our little Kaleb has been off-and-on sick for about seven months now. We brought him in to see the Dr yesterday because Kaleb once again got really bad with fevers reaching 104. He was also taking very short breaths and coughing until he threw up. To say the least we once again got very worried and brought him in. We were thinking the Dr. would just put him on another antibiotic, but that was not the case. After listening to Kalebs chest and reviewing his charts...seeing Kaleb has only gained two pounds in the last five months, he insisted we hospitalize him. Poor little man had to take a head x-ray, chest x-ray, and give lots of blood. It was terrible to watch him go through it all. His veins are incredibly hard to see, therefore they did all kinds of stuff to his little hands and arms to get blood and place the IV. Finally after a lot of crying and screaming they finished with him and we were able to bring him to a room.He has improved tremendously in the last 24 hrs. The Dr.'s main concern is his lack of Oxygen and will not send him home until he is able to breath well enough on his own. We would appreciate your prayers for our little guy. God has really blessed us with a great Dr. and we feel very confident in the hospital we are at. Thank you all for your love and prayers. We will have internet here at the hospital so we'll keep you posted on any further news. God Bless. The Reegers
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Unknown said...

It's terrible when the little ones are sick, and especially so far from their grandmothers :) What a blessing to have God's hand on our babies. Love, Jill Moudy

Joshua and Julie Marcum said...

I'm so sorry and we will be praying - it's so terrible having a baby sick and in the hospital - and putting an IV in is the worst!!!!! Hugs for Kaleb and keep us updated.

TerPen said...

Poor Kaleb and Mom & Dad! We'll be praying for all of you. Are you in Quito or is there a hospital closer to you?

Terri & Phil

DebbieN said...

HI Reegers! So sorry to hear little Kaleb is sick. I'm thankful you feel you have a great doctor. That always helps. I'll let Rachel and Grace know your little guy is sick and know we'll all be praying for all of you. Trusting Christ, Debbie Nighswonger

Zuri said...

Your baby is beautiful, I wish him well and to recover soon.

Galapagos and Ecuador Guide

Tracy Bouley said...

Dear Jauna and Justin,

I have been bring Kaleb to the Lord everytime I feel the Spirit move in my heart. I pray and then I sing. Let us know how he is doing. Natalie had similar symptoms with the sinus infections one right after another then it ended in Pnemonia. I knew of a lady that her daughter had blocked sinus cavities that were only detected by a MRI. God is aware and I keep praying that He will impart wisdom into the Doctors treating him. Love you guys,

Unknown said...

Poor little guy! We'll be praying for you guys! It can be really scary to be in the hospital, but we're so glad you have a good Doctor.Love you guys!
-Steven and Rachel

Robby and Lynsey said...

You guys are in our prayers. I'm so glad to get the update that he is feeling better and possibly on his way home! I hope you have had people there who love you and have been able to support you through this. Many blessings of healing and comfort.